CymaScope Light instrument
CymaScope Light instrument Promo Video.
Clair De Lune
2018 was the 100th anniversary of Debussy’s passing, and in his honor we created this beautiful CymaScope MusicMadeVisible transcription of Debussy’s sublime Clair de Lune, played by gifted concert pianist, Daniel Levy. The very talented, James Stuart Reid, shows us in many novel and creative ways, this much loved piece of music in an entirely new visual art form: music imprinted onto the surface of water, thereby rendering it visible for us to enjoy with our eyes as well as our ears.
The Power of One Tone
This beautiful, state-of-the-art CymaScope video is the voice of the very talented Anders Holte made visible in the center, with the gifted Cacina Meadu providing an exquisite piano accompaniment, made visible around the periiphery. By pausing the video at any point, many intricate, complex and beautiful Euclidean geometries can be seen, revealing mathematical constants of the Universe.
In honour of Beethoven’s 250th anniversary, we created this beautiful CymaScope MusicMadeVisible transcription of his Piano Sonata Number 8, Opus 13, “Pathetique”, played by gifted concert pianist, Daniel Levy. The very talented James Stuart Reid, arranged the creative use of CymaScope imagery, beginning with its emergence from Beethoven’s eye, symbolising that Beethoven is “seeing" the music in his mind’s eye.
Trinity Cathedral
This wonderful CymaScope video was commissioned by talented artist, Shelley Socolofsky, for a unique art installation in Trinity Epsicopal Cathedral, Oregon, in which the projection surface was a giant font, filled with water. It may be the first cymatics art installation, ever, in a cathedral and in the closing sequence, the CymaScope imagery is arranged in a fascinating cascade that follows the musical notes of the stave.